Consumer issues, recipes and apolitical thoughts from a Brighton native.

Category Blog

Absolute Power

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Is the current terrorist threat being used as an excuse for the state to gain more and more control over our everyday lives, through the UK’s police forces? Should power be given to those who want it? Is our democracy threatened by dark forces, and are we too blind to see from whence the real darkness originates?

SMS.AC – WARNING – don’t be caught out!

Please beware of a web site called “” ( – it’s someone’s bright idea of how to make money from YOU without you even realising until it’s too late. They lure you in to joining their “community”, and end up… Continue Reading →

Brighton & Hove City Council – What a Load of Rubbish

and Hove City Council has been tinkering again, all in the pursuit of saving money. Unfortunately service levels have dropped to the point where the Council Tax is an insult. Read on…

Tiscali – Incompetence Pays

Recently I got Tiscali Business Broadband for my company. Bad mistake. They mistakenly branded us a “high-usage” customer and cut us off. But they didn’t release the line, so my company was without internet access for weeks. They didn’t stop taking our money though. Read the full story.

Barclays – Fluent in Finance, Pig-Ignorant in Customer Service

Call-centres – we all hate them – but the banks seem to have taken it upon themselves to make the call-centre experience a particularly sour one. Poor training? Poor management? I don’t think so… Profit is where it’s at, and at the customers’ expense. Read on…

Ignorance, Rank Stupidity and the Perpertuation of Myths

On Sunday 16th May 2004 eight people tragically died in a horrific crash on the A23 north of Brighton. As if this wasn’t bad enough, the subsequent press coverage insulted their memories and the intelligence of an entire nation. Why can’t we have intelligent journalists? Do they all have to be ignorant, oafish, inarticulate scribblers, clumsily blundering through news events seemingly not caring about who or what issues they damage? Read on…

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